
Management Reporting and Bespoke Analytics

Our platform includes a powerful Analytics module that works as a decision-making support too. We help you understand what you're doing right and what you could do better in all kinds of aspects of practice management. Whether you're a private practice manager or a solo practitioner, Medesk brings together all you need to run your medical business effectively and provide patients with the best possible care.

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Management Reporting and Bespoke Analytics

In-depth Analytics to Track Your Performance

We have put together more than 40 different ready-made reports so you can track your clinic's performance. You no longer need to hire a specialist to help you get to the bottom of your business analytics. Everything you need is right there in Medesk!

  • Exhaustive library of ready-made reports
  • Report builder to create new reports
  • Visual reports at a glance
In-depth Analytics to Track Your Performance

The Analytics module helps you to gather all the necessary information from a variety of sources

The Analytics module helps you to  gather all the necessary information from a variety of sources

Successful medical practice management requires continuous and reliable monitoring of your clinic’s key performance indicators.

This is a valuable and unique tool that delivers statistics in an easy to interpret way with charts and graphs. Fully customisable to each practice, so much information can be discovered, for example: the most popular day of visiting the practice; the most popular service that clients are using; or which advertising campaigns are the most successful. From this data informed decisions can then be made to tailor where money is spent on advertising or focusing on quieter days to promote special offers.

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Private Practice Hub
Helping you thrive in today’s healthcare market

Generate QOF and CQC Reports at the Click of a Button

Here are just a few examples of CQC and QOF reports you can easily print off straight from Medesk:

  • The percentage of patients with depression who were reviewed within 10-35 days of their diagnosis
  • Cancer reporting, including ICD-10 diagnosis and screening offered
  • The percentage of patients aged 40+ with a blood pressure measurement taken in the past 5 years
  • Primary prevention measures taken for patients with new diagnoses of hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes
  • The percentage of COPD patients who have been offered a flu jab
Generate QOF and CQC Reports at the Click of a Button

Medical Practice Management and Payroll Calculations

Medesk aims to make payroll calculations easier to handle by tracking your colleagues' work and giving you all the numbers you need to pay out the correct amounts.

  • Generate reports for specific time periods including calendar and business days
  • Split payment schemes into fixed and bonus aspects
  • Work out the commission due using fixed values and percentages
  • Offer different bonuses depending on the service or product involved

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Medical Practice Management and Payroll Calculations

Discover What's Popular in Your Clinic Right Now

Find out more about what your patients really want and make the right decisions for your clinic with Medesk Analytics module:

  • Learn which services are most popular with patients and profitable for you
  • Find out which clinicians your patients prefer to see
  • Discover the times of day that are busiest for specific locations, services and clinicians
  • Cut down on cancellations and no-shows by understanding exactly why they happen

How Clinic Management Software Helps You Match Your Patients' Expectations at Every Turn

Discover What's Popular in Your Clinic Right Now

Make Sure You Spend Your Advertising Budget Wisely

Whether you have a dedicated marketing specialist on your side or not, our clinic management software helps you to:

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Make Sure You Spend Your Advertising Budget Wisely
Expert Opinion:

How can I understand whether my marketing strategy is working?

Find more videos on our Youtube channel

How can I understand whether my marketing strategy is working?

Dig into the Exact Data You Need to Achieve Your Goals

Medesk automatically gathers a vast array of information about your patients, their appointments and all sorts of other bits and pieces just through your everyday use of our practice management software. Practice managers can easily develop their own custom reports and make effective decisions even at a glance. There’s a whole host of options available and it takes mere minutes to get started.

  • Colour-coded tags and labels for all clinical and business processes
  • Visual reports for instant insight into your practice’s true performance
  • Gauge the true health of your clinic with key ready-made charts and graphs
  • Utilise our flexible report editor to generate completely customised reports
  • Discover your most effective patient acquisition channels and take immediate action

You know, the reporting is very strong. The marketing side of it is very strong. The tags - I love the use of tags because I get tags. I've got a background in that kind of way of having taxonomies and things like that. So tagging comes naturally to me. One very important thing that I've managed to do, and I've done it with tags and tasks, a combination of tags and tasks, is that I've made a patient tracker. And you need a patient tracker for the CQC. You can actually demonstrate that you're tracking patients right through their treatment pathway. And that's been brilliant because we've managed to get rid of a lot of paper forms.

Key Healthcare Metrics
Amanda Burton
Clinical workload capacity
The most popular medical service
Average age and other patient demographics
The most popular day of the week for visiting the clinic
Expert advice:

How do you know you are making the right decisions in managing your private practice?

Find more videos on our Youtube channel

How do you know you are making the right decisions in managing your private practice?

Private Practices All Over the UK Love Our Software

Shirley McDonald
Shirley McDonald
Consultant Trichologist, The Institute Of Trichologists

The best booking system if you have more than one employee. The support provided was great. Platform offers a bunch of customised features. Could be not as competitive as other similar products however, does offer more overall.

Dr Hind Al-Husain
Dr Hind Al-Husain
The Holistic Womens Clinic, Founder and Holistic Gynaecologist

I was very impressed with the professionalism and care taken to setup Medesk as my practice management system. Whilst dealing with Dr May, I was confident in his ability to deliver the product I wanted in the way I wanted - which he did in the time frame agreed and was readily accessible throughout. Medesk is a fantastic system which is intuitive, user-friendly and very easy to use without any loss of high-end functionality and is fully compliant with all legislation.

Deborah Creedy
Deborah Creedy
Glasgow Medical Rooms, Practice Manager

The team at Glasgow Medical Rooms felt that the growth of the Practice required a bespoke software system for patient records and appointments. The process is almost at completion, support from the Medesk team has been excellent and responsive and we have a system which is user friendly and programmed to our individual needs.

Victoria Fenton
Victoria Fenton
Integrative Medicine, Personalised Wellbeing

Such a great, customisable system which will save me time, maintain absolute professionalism and makes running the management side of my business so simple.